Bamboo Bridge
A parametric model of a bamboo truss bridge was developed in Rhino/GH/Python/Excel then used to optimize a span, given durability considerations, combined loading, and other constraints (including ISO 22156 member capacities). The model has >10 dimensions, including truss type (Burr, Pratt, Howe, or lattice), span, number of panels, panel inclination, camber, roof curvature, etc.
The report submitted for a class assignment is below, which is only is a work sample not proper methodology to design a bamboo bridge.
Girder Web Buckling FEA
The purpose of this project is to develop and validate a finite element model in Abaqus of a bridge girder strength test performed by Zaghi (2017). The real-world experiment statically loaded a W22x14 girder to failure. The FE model used 2D linear shell elements, with 3 levels of mesh refinement. The model was solved in load control, using the Riks solver to capture snap through behavior as the web buckles. Results were not thoroughly validated against real-world data, but are reasonable.
Senior Design
Our senior design team selected the challenge of designing a new Pitt Recreation Facility on the Oakland Campus. As one of 2 structural engineers on the project, I was responsible for the design of a spanning system over a column-free recreation area, lateral system development and analysis, as well as analyzing and detailing spans.